Update book 2: Chronicle of Life

  1. Hello you all!

It has been quite a long time since I last posted something here, which must leave some of you wondering... what adventures are next for our three human protagonists? Is a second book even in the works? So I'm here to affirm that YES, I'm still working on the first draft of the sequel of Chronicle of Death! Today, in fact, I crossed a symbolic milestone: passing 587 Word-pages, the sequel is now officially larger than the first book! Even though the word-count already surpassed its predecessor several weeks ago - If you can explain that little riddle to me, I'll treat you to virtual cookies! :D

Below you'll find an short excerpt from the 587th page of the sequel of Chronicle of Death, called Chronicle of Life (original, I know!)

*** Warning: might contain spoilers if you've not yet finished the first book!! ***

Breanna virtually flew across the fields, her feet barely touching the ground as she led her small party of MCOA soldiers into the cauldron of war. The sounds of battle were all around them, from the high-pitched shrieks of foes to the clanging of metal to the mines exploding at irregular intervals. She wasn’t worried for her safety though; her whole being was occupied with the new energies singing in her veins, harvested from her angelic victims by way of her adamas knife. Her newfound vitality was edging her onwards, whispering at her to take more, kill more. Keeping those seductive voices from overwhelming her took all of her focus. She felt like she was teetering on a precipice, and every angel that she killed pushed her closer to the edge. The only thing keeping her from falling outright were the twin thoughts of Lex and her mother, the best parts of herself, entreating her to not give up, not give in. So she gritted her teeth and kept moving, fighting the enemy within and without as she flowed across the battlefield with a ballerina’s grace.

Arrows rained around her, disturbing her thoughts. None of them managed to pierce her Soliditas armour, but they hurt the troops following in her wake, so she marshalled her souls to once more send out a pulse of Gravitas to shatter the arrows and knock the archers back. The soldiers stumbled for a moment beneath the angels’ attack, but quickly recovered and kept going, carrying their handful of wounded along. Breanna admired their stubborn, relentless loyalty to each other. When was the last time she had felt such singular devotion to anything but pain and suffering?

When was the last time that she had truly felt human?

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